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rai criss hy a lot

Cristina Lemos
  • Bom dia!

    Hello Adilson!!! It's been too long since we last spoke and cooked together. Payard manhasset seems many moons ago!!

    How have u been? Are u still cooking? I left the cooking world in 2005, right before I got married. I had to choose party life n cooking or getting serious, I couldn't balance the 2. Was suppose to go back after a year but by then I found a very comfy well paying out of industry job. I did that for almost 5 years, had a baby n now I'm jumping back in but from the beverage aspect .... WINE!!

    I'm pursing my master court of sommelier certifications. Worked a growing season and Harvest in 2009 and completely fell in love with grapes.

    Sooooo what have u been up to? I so enjoyed our cooking and prep time together, hope to bump into each other soon!



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