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conversando COM ROSEIRAS

An aroma can be easily captured and concentrated to take on a different aspect, then be diffused into other components. Basil not only has a beautiful color but is also a wonderful flavor that reminds you of summer along a warm coast. Here the basil is just blanched and mixed into a sweet syrup. It is emulsified like a marshmallow but with a much lighter structure. The flavor is reinforced with a freeze dry basil tea during the emulsion. When it sets, it is cut into small cubes and wrapped in a basil sheet to give it the aspect of a surprise. The flavor is surprisingly intense with a good balance between sweetness and greenness. Olive oil and Murray salt give it the last touch to be on its own, or without seasoning to be part of a dessert. For now it is planned to be part of a dessert, which is finalized but not yet on the menu.


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to^ bonsai

My coffee-table book MOTEL | HOTEL featuring Todd Sanfield is now sold-out. I want to thank everyone who purchased a copy.