5 Gennaio 2016 WORLD TOP Starman: the strength and elegance of Alain Ducasse A journey into the life of the fine Gascon who wrote the rules of haute cuisine evolving the chef profession. di: Paolo Vizzari 15 1213 Scarica in formato PDF IT SEEMS a dark night with no history in the summer of 1984, with the twilight hidden by clouds and uncertainly spotted snow on the Alps, when a small plane appears in the Savoie sky near Chambery. On-board instruments are being broken down, the pilot desperately insists on cloches while the altimeter marks imaginative altitudes, until the flight crashes into a mountain obscured by weather. Of the five passengers only one survived, the young French chef Alain Ducasse. Coincidence or fate, that survivor will change as a few others the history of world cuisine. Alain Ducasse at the beginning of the 90s - Xavier Lambours Photo He lost an eye and is forced to stay in a bed for eighteen months, in the ve...