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31. Tirano Sinônimos: /opressor tirano bárbaro brutesco cru cruel desumano feroz grosseiro imane implacável inculto rude sanquinário selvagem truculento vandalo acerbo atroz carniceiro cruento desalmado desapiedado despiedado diro doloroso duro empedernido ferino fulminante funesto ilacrimável inclemente incompasstvo inexorável infando iníquo inquisitorial insensível inumano mau mordaz perverso pétreo pungente rigoroso sangrento severo sevo tiranico tirânico déspota arbitrário autocrata autoritário mandão opressor potentado sátrapa despótico absoluto disçricionárío draconiano ferrenho prepotente acaramelado afanoso árduo áspero casmurro confragoso consistente custoso difícil estúpido firme iendurecido ímprobo ingrato inteiro marmóreo obstinado penoso resistente rígido rijo sólido teimoso teso triste aiva arrua danoso detestável imperfeito malfeito maligno malvado nocivo pravo ruim abafadiço verdugo algoz carrasco imperioso dominador 32. Corrosivo Sinônimos: cáustico erodente corrosivo erosivo queimante acre ardente picante mordaz mordente 33. Cruel Sinônimos: embaçado complicado ruim acerbo acre acrimonioso amargo áspero avinagrado azedo cruel pungente rígido rigoroso severo atroz doloroso fero feroz fulminante horrível imane impiedoso infernal lancinante monstruoso bárbaro brutesco cru desumano grosseiro implacável inculto rude sanquinário selvagem tirano truculento vandalo carniceiro açougueiro carnívoro magarefe sanguinário austero desapiedado duro inclemente ofensivo violento vivo cruento renhido sangrento sanguinolento desalmado celerado perverso despiedado inexorável inumano algoz desnaturado diro empedernido ferino impiedade inquisitorial pétreo verdugo insensível terrível aflitivo amargoso cruciante doído dolente excruciante fementido funesto grave magoado penoso pungentecruel sensitivo acaramelado afanoso árduo casmurro confragoso consistente custoso difícil estúpido ferrenho firme iendurecido ímprobo ingrato inteiro marmóreo obstinado resistente rijo sólido teimoso teso triste endurecido incompasstvo incisivo mordaz viperino bravio canibal encarniçado raivoso sanhudo impetuoso agourento aterrador atro aziago calamitoso catastrófico danoso deplorável desastrado desastroso desgraçado desventurado fatal infausto infortunado letal lúgubre maldito medonho mortal mortífero nefasto obnóxio ominoso ruinoso sinistro trágico ilacrimável colossal desmedido enorme frívolo futíl imenso inútil oco vazio acérrimo inflexível irredutível vingativo descaroavel rígoroso desapiedosodesumano in-sensível incomplacente infando iníquo injusto malvado algente apático árido calejado couraçado embotado frio impassível imperturbável indiferente inexcitável mau aiva arrua detestável imperfeito malfeito maligno nocivo pravo cáustico dicaz irónico maledicente picante satírico maldoso malévolo subversivo petrificado agudo cortante mordente penetrante pungitivo apertado circunstanciado conciso draconiano escrupuloso espartano estrito exato exemplar exigente intransigente literal matemático minucioso ortodoxo préciso restrito ensanguentado carrancudo catão circunspeto ríspido sombrio supercilioso sevo tiranico despótico opressivo tirânico prepotente /opressor déspota opressor brutal tremebundo miserável réprobo bruto nefando atravessado arruá sangüinário depravado desalmo negro mísero sanguinoso dilacerante desamorado nefário anti-humano lacerante bestial amaldiçoado mal 34. Desumano Sinônimos: algoz carrasco desumano perseguidor perverso verdugo bárbaro brutesco cru cruel feroz grosseiro imane implacável inculto rude sanquinário selvagem tirano truculento vandalo áspero austero desapiedado duro inclemente ofensivo rigoroso violento vivo acerbo atroz carniceiro cruento desalmado despiedado diro doloroso empedernido ferino fulminante funesto ilacrimável incompasstvo inexorável infando iníquo inquisitorial insensível inumano mau mordaz pétreo pungente sangrento severo sevo tiranico tirânico celerado desnaturado crueí descaridoso descaroável terrível endurecido incisivo viperino fero furioso torvo bravio canibal encarniçado raivoso renhido sanhudo impiedade crueldade crueldadeimpiedoso descrença inclemência irreligião impiedoso acérrimo inflexível irredutível vingativo ímprobo maldito maldoso malévolo malvado pravo ruim subversivo petrificado resistente rijo brutal tremebundo subumano sanguinolento desmisericordioso sanguinoso bestial sangüinoso imisericordioso anti-humano desalmo sanguinário sangüinário 35. Acre Sinônimos: terra do nunca enterro de anão gnomos fadas duendes entre outros aaedo acre acerbo acrimonioso amargo áspero avinagrado azedo cruel pungente rígido rigoroso severo acético acetoso ácido agre agro ântialcalino acido campo escabroso sombrio tétrico abrupto agreste alpestre árduo bssusco confragoso crespo cru desabrido duro fero fragoso fragueiro garabulhento grosseiro grosso ingrato inóspito intratável piririca rijo ríspido rude rugoso seco tarasco irritadiço acescèndão acidado acidez acrimônia addade agastamento arado azia fermentação irritação rudeza mordaz cáustico dicaz ferino impiedoso incisivo irónico maledicente picante satírico viperino apimentado ardente estimulante licencioso livre malicioso puxante queimante queimoso salgado salírico sápido corrosivo amargoso amaro envinagrado amarescente amaroso amargado longe distante desconhecido 36. Cautério Sinônimos: afligir destruir penalizar ao extremo extirpar cáustico cautério enipâstico irritante mordaz satírico urente vesicatório 37. Picante Sinônimos: picar acre aaedo acerbo acético acetoso acido ácido agre agro áspero avinagrado azedo mordaz picante queimante apimentado malicioso queimoso ardente abrasado adusto afogueado árdego ardoroso candente chamejante enérgico entusiasta estuante exaltado fervente flagrante fogoso impetuoso incandescente incendido inflamado intenso requeimado violento vulcanico dicaz satírico estimulante acirrante excitante hipefíestêsico provocante puxante licencioso desbocado descomedido desenfreado desregrado devasso dissoluto fescensno lascivo libertino livre pornográfico aberto abjungido autónomo desagarrado desembaraçado desgarrado desobrigado despido disjungido disponível escapo escoimado franco franqueado imune independente isento liberal libertado pêrvio salvo separado solto virgem abrejeirado astucioso brejeiro finório gaiato galante humorístico maldoso maroto oblíquo retrincado sagaz taimado velhaco cáustico cruel ferino impiedoso incisivo irónico maledicente viperino corrosivo cálido quente salgado caro custoso engraçado salso salírico sápido saboroso ecfrático picoso estimuloso ardoso epigramático aperitivo ardido 38. Agudo Sinônimos: acuminado agudo pontudo afiado acerado aguçado amolado apurado cortante esperto fino sabido adelgaçado afilado aparado apontado apuado bicudo pontiagudo arguto astuto engenhoso penetrante sagaz sutil vivo complicado difícil embriagado zangado estriciente frio gélido glacial lancinante pungente estridente esganiçado estrídulo sibilante vibrante afinado aristocrático atilado cabreiro chique clarividente cortês delgado elegante escolhido escovado estkicado grácil inteligente ladino ralo selecionado seleto superior taimado urbano incisivo decisivo eficaz ferino mordaz intenso ardente ativo enérgico figa forte grande intensivo poderoso rijo veemente violento oxítono penetrador observador perspicaz percuciente perfurante profundo atimia hábil acerbo atroz cruciante cruel doloroso excruciante mordente pungitivo sensitivo afunilado acentuado distinto alto 39. Tirânico Sinônimos: cruel acerbo atroz bárbaro carniceiro cru cruento desalmado desapiedado despiedado desumano diro doloroso duro empedernido ferino feroz fulminante funesto ilacrimável imane implacável inclemente incompasstvo inexorável infando iníquo inquisitorial insensível inumano mau mordaz perverso pétreo pungente rigoroso sangrento sanquinário severo sevo tiranico tirânico tirano truculento prepotente despótico influente opressor poderoso violento imperioso autoritário absoluto dominador 40. Severo Sinônimos: alto acerbo acre acrimonioso amargo áspero avinagrado azedo cruel pungente rígido rigoroso severo desabrido irritadiço ofensivo virulento zangado apertado abetesgado angustiado angusto apurado atochado atormentado atribulado cochado comprimido contraído económico engasgado estreito iisurário opresso recolhido seguro trincado abrupto agreste alpestre árduo bssusco confragoso crespo cru duro escabroso fero fragoso fragueiro garabulhento grosseiro grosso ingrato inóspito intratável piririca rijo ríspido rude rugoso seco tarasco austero catão conspícuo espartano estóico grave inconcusso intransigente justiceiro legalizado nobre sério supercilioso verídico carrancudo carregado embezerrado malencarado sombrio sorumbático torvo trombudo virtuoso circunspeto atento cauteloso diplomático ponderado prudente refletido sisudo atroz bárbaro carniceiro cruento desalmado desapiedado despiedado desumano diro doloroso empedernido ferino feroz fulminante funesto ilacrimável imane implacável inclemente incompasstvo inexorável infando iníquo inquisitorial insensível inumano mau mordaz perverso pétreo sangrento sanquinário sevo tiranico tirânico tirano truculento lacedemônio lacônio sóbrio exemplar amostra cópia edificante espécime magistral modelar modelo normal padrão unidade volume circunspecto crítico imperdoável inquietante momentoso oneroso penoso preto respeitável sentencioso solene descaroavel impiedoso rígoroso acaturrado acirrado contumaz estuprado inabalável incomplacente inflexível intolerante irredutível obstinado refratario teimoso draconiano ereto hirto ortodoxo tenso teso circunstanciado conciso escrupuloso estrito exato exigente literal matemático minucioso préciso restrito consistente forte iendurecido intenso sadio válido ferrenho intratávelduro abeutalhado alarve aldeão amatutado beócio boçal botocudo bravio bronco bruto chambâo descortês difícil esquivo estúpido ignorante incivil incôndito indelicado jalofo labrusco obtuso pesado potente reboto rombo rombudo sertanejo silvestre tacanho tosco zebra agro anuviado apagado baço brumoso cerrado desalentador desanimador encorijjado escuro feral fúnebre lôbrego lúgubre meditabundo melancólico nebuloso nublado opaco sombreado soturno taciturno tenebroso tétrico tetro trevoso triste umbroso desamorável descarinhoso brusco desamoroso


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The 3 P.M. Brunch With the 4 A.M. Vibe By BEN DETRICKNOV. 16, 2011 Continue reading the main story Share This Page Share Tweet Pin Email More Save Photo An enthusiastic reveler parties to a performance by Roxy Cottontail, a promoter, at Eat Yo Brunch at Yotel on 10th Avenue, where the $35 brunch allows patrons to eat and drink for two hours. Credit Deidre Schoo for The New York Times BRUNCH, an occasion for flapjacks, Bloody Marys and meandering conversation, is traditionally the most sluggish of meals. But a smorgasbord of clubby New York restaurants have transformed lazy midday gatherings into orgies of overindulgence with blaring music, jiggling go-go dancers and bar tabs that mushroom into five figures. No, boozy brunches aren’t new. Inspired by the daytime debauchery on Pampelonne Beach in St.-Tropez, where jet-setters arrive by Ferrari and yacht, early iterations began at Le Bilboquet on the Upper East Side in the early ’90s, and spread to meatpacking district flashpoints like Bagatelle and Merkato 55 in 2008. But more recently, these brunches have been supersized, moving from smaller lounges to brassy nightclubs like Lavo and Ajna. The party blog Guest of a Guest has taken to calling it the “Battle of the Brunches.” “Not everyone gets to run to the beach or jump on a plane,” said Noah Tepperberg, an owner of Lavo in Midtown, which started its brunch party a year ago. “If you want to leave your house on the weekend, brunch fills that void.” On a recent Saturday, Mr. Tepperberg stood in Lavo’s basement kitchen, surrounded by meat slicers and employees readying confectionary “poison apples” for a Halloween party for a pre-split Kim Kardashian. Upstairs, patrons in costumes danced atop tables and chairs, bobbing to the carnival syncopation of Jay-Z and Kanye West’s “Paris.” Confetti and blasts of fog filled the air. Continue reading the main story Related Coverage slideshow The Brunch Party Takes Over Clubs NOV. 16, 2011 Advertisement Continue reading the main story It was 3 p.m. “People walk in and say, ‘I can’t believe this is going on right now,’ ” Mr. Tepperberg said. The brunch bacchanalia shows no sign of running dry. The Mondrian SoHo is starting Scene Sundays this month at its Imperial No. Nine restaurant. In Las Vegas, the original Lavo started a Champagne brunch a few weeks ago. Similar affairs have bubbled up in Boston, Los Angeles and Washington. For those looking to replicate the formula, here’s a guide to some of New York’s frothiest. Day and Night Ajna Bar (25 Little West 12th Street, dayandnightnyc.com); Saturday, noon to 6 p.m. This extravagant French-themed party landed in October at Ajna Bar in the meatpacking district, after dousing the Hamptons, Art Basel in Miami and the Oak Room in the Plaza Hotel with rosé. Beneath an industrial skylight and fluttering flags from the United Kingdom, France and Israel, well-heeled patrons pumped their fists and posed for purse-lipped Facebook photos, racking up huge tabs every Saturday. “I understand there’s a lot of people out there going through hard times,” said Daniel Koch, the promoter who helped start the Day and Night parties at Merkato 55. “But what you want to do with your money is your business.” SIGNAL TO DANCE ON TABLES “If you’ve been sprayed with Champagne, make some noise!” a hype man will shout between piercing dance tracks from Robyn, Calvin Harris and Oasis. Dancers in orange bathing suits will emerge; pipes will blast jets of fog. In a dangerously drunken take on a bar mitzvah ritual, a man spooning dessert out of a giant bowl will be seated on a chair and lifted high into the air by his cronies. BRUNCH SET Club-savvy guests seem piped in from Miami, Monaco and Merrill Lynch. “I’m from the South, so drinking during the day is not new to me,” said a woman who wore a Diane Von Furstenberg dress but not the necessary wristband to enter the V.I.P. area. Outside, near a black Aston Martin coupe, a young man wearing paint on his face and sunglasses delved into socioeconomics. “We’re the 1 percent,” he said to a woman, matter of factly. THE BUFFET The Nutella-stuffed croissants ($12) cater to Europeans, while a gimmicky $2,500 ostrich egg omelet (with foie gras, lobster, truffle, caviar and a magnum of Dom Perignon) is for aspiring Marie Antoinettes. Champagne bottles start at $500; packages with several bottles of liquor and mixers for mojitos or bellinis are $1,000. The check can be sobering. “You didn’t look at the price of the Dom bottle!” a man barked into his iPhone, to a friend who apparently ditched before paying. “It’s $700!” STILL-HOT ACCESSORY Slatted “shutter shades” live on at Day and Night. DID THE D.J. PLAY “WELCOME TO ST.-TROPEZ”? Yes. Lavo Champagne Brunch Lavo (39 East 58th Street, lavony.com); Saturday, 2 to 6:30 p.m. Smog guns. Confetti cannons. Piñatas. Masked masseuses. Dancers in Daisy Duke shorts (some on stilts, obviously). Since last November, this Italian restaurant has roiled with the energy and pageantry of Mardi Gras. At the recent Halloween party, Slick Rick, an old-school rapper with an eye patch and glinting ropes of jewelry, lethargically performed several ’80s hits. Some of the younger “Black Swans” in attendance were unsure of his identity. “Is he big in London?” asked an Australian woman wearing a top hat. SIGNAL TO DANCE ON TABLES Caffeinated anthems like Pitbull’s “Hey Baby” and Roscoe Dash’s “All the Way Turnt Up” are accentuated by processions of bouncers carrying women above them in tubs, like Cleopatra on a palanquin. Polenta pancakes taking up precious square footage? Just kick them aside with your stilettos. Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Open Thread Newsletter A look from across the New York Times at the forces that shape the dress codes we share, with Vanessa Friedman as your personal shopper. You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. See Sample Privacy Policy Opt out or contact us anytime BRUNCH SET Share Champagne spritzers with willowy model types and inheritors of wealth. The scrum on an October afternoon included the son of a Mongolian dignitary, six scions of Mexican plutocracy wearing novelty somberos, and at least one supermodel. “She’s everywhere,” said Mr. Tepperberg, as the nymph, whose name he couldn’t remember, disappeared into the jungle of merriment. THE BUFFET With the emphasis on tabletop dancing, Italian trattoria offerings (margherita pizzas for $21, and lemon ricotta waffles for $19) are often abandoned underfoot and sprinkled with confetti. Proving alcohol reigns supreme here, ice buckets are carefully shielded with napkins. Bottle service rules: Moët Brut is $195 and liquor starts at $295. Balthazar and Nebuchadnezzar sizes surge toward the $10,000 mark. RISKY ROSé Alcohol and high-altitude dancing can be perilous: there was a brief hullabaloo in one corner when several women took a tumble. DID THE D.J. PLAY “WELCOME TO ST.-TROPEZ”? Yes. Eat Yo Brunch Yotel (570 10th Avenue, yotel.com); Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. If spending thousands of dollars makes your stomach turn, this newish party at Yotel is more easily digested. This affably cartoonish affair, held at the space-age hotel in Hell’s Kitchen with the design aesthetics of a Pokémon, draws a gay-friendly crowd lured northward by Patrick Duffy, a promoter. “There’s a lot of pressure in night life,” Mr. Duffy said. “But I feel like Sunday is a comedown. It doesn’t have to be perfect.” SIGNAL TO DANCE ON TABLES These connoisseurs of brunch wear designer shoes too stylish for tromping atop omelets. With a D.J. spinning dance tracks from LeLe and Earth, Wind & Fire, guests sip bellinis at the bar or banter at long communal tables. The performers are looser. One afternoon, Roxy Cottontail, a pink-haired promoter, vamped around the sunken dining area with a microphone. “Don’t make kitty pounce,” she rapped, before climbing atop a table. BRUNCH SET Clusters of trim men wear leather motorcycle jackets or shroud themselves in patterned scarves. “It’s an eclectic, downtown vibe,” Ms. Cottontail said. “We have the most fabulous gays in New York City.” When a platinum-blond waiter in skintight jeans pranced in front of a wall decorated with pictures of sumo wrestlers riding Japanese carp, it seemed straight from an anime cell. THE BUFFET For an egalitarian $35, patrons receive unlimited grub — options include chilaquiles, halibut sliders and seaweed salad — and a two-hour window of boozing. “It’s not bougie,” said Mr. Duffy, who bounded across the room hugging guests and hand-delivering shots. “You could be a poor, starving artist or someone that doesn’t take a client for under $20 million.” COLOR CODE Wear purple if you hope to be camouflaged by the staff outfits, chairs and ceilings. DID THE D.J. PLAY “WELCOME TO ST.-TROPEZ”? No. Sunset Saturdays PH-D Rooftop Lounge at Dream Downtown (355 West 16th Street, dreamdowntown.com); Saturday, 5:30 to 10 p.m. Despite a happy hour time slot, this sunset party atop the Dream Downtown hotel is not for pre-gaming. After funneling in brunch crowds from elsewhere, 8 p.m. has the frenzied atmosphere and intoxication of 2 a.m. The offbeat timing may deter conventional weekend warriors. “No matter how cool the place, some people feel Friday and Saturday nights are for amateurs,” said Matt Strauss, a manager of PH-D. “We’re not for amateurs.” SIGNAL TO DANCE ON TABLES The D.J. rapid-fires through tracks from C+C Music Factory, LMFAO and Rick Ross, but booze-lubricated guests scramble on couches with little hesitation. Those grappling with bursts of existential angst after six hours of brunch can gaze pensively at the spectacular views of Midtown Manhattan. BRUNCH SET Attractive women and affluent men knot around tables; hotel guests gawk from the bar. On a recent Saturday, Mark Wahlberg danced with a few friends, and David Lee, a former New York Knick, enjoyed downtime provided by the N.B.A. lockout. “We saw an angle,” said Matt Assante, a promoter. “People spend more money than at nighttime.” THE BUFFET Brunch is thankfully over, but crispy calamari ($17) and guacamole ($12) could constitute a light dinner. A bottle of Veuve Clicquot is $475. Cîroc vodka is $450. Cocktails like the Cloud Nine (Beefeater gin, Campari, grapefruit) are $18; a Bud Light is $10. WINDING DOWN After the rigors of daylong gorging, relax with the help of an on-site masseuse. DID THE D.J. PLAY “WELCOME TO ST.-TROPEZ”? Obviously.

The 3 P.M. Brunch With the 4 A.M. Vibe By BEN DETRICK NOV. 16, 2011 Continue reading the main story Share This Page Share Tweet Pin Email More Save Photo An enthusiastic reveler parties to a performance by Roxy Cottontail, a promoter, at Eat Yo Brunch at Yotel on 10th Avenue, where the $35 brunch allows patrons to eat and drink for two hours. Credit Deidre Schoo for The New York Times BRUNCH, an occasion for flapjacks, Bloody Marys and meandering conversation, is traditionally the most sluggish of meals. But a smorgasbord of clubby New York restaurants have transformed lazy midday gatherings into orgies of overindulgence with blaring music, jiggling go-go dancers and bar tabs that mushroom into fiv

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