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Croquant is the French word for crispy or crunchy. It is usually related to something very thin that has been dehydrated or deep fried. Here we use a mix of glucose, fondant, and isomalt, that we cook into a white caramel and let set until hard. It is then ground to a powder and mixed with any dry component to flavor the mix. Pictured below are nori, raspberry, and soy. We create a shape with a stencil on a silpat. We melt the mix in our bread oven at a 150ºC and then let it cool down. On the final step we place the croquant over a silicon mold, partially melt it back and press to create the shape.


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to^ bonsai

My coffee-table book MOTEL | HOTEL featuring Todd Sanfield is now sold-out. I want to thank everyone who purchased a copy.