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Chicago Overturns Foie Gras Ban
Chicagoans can feast on foie gras once more. The Chicago City Council just repealed the ban on its sale that it put in place two years ago.

Monica Davey, the Times’s Chicago bureau chief, says the ban has been a source of embarrassment for the city and the repeal comes as residents have accused officials of trying to micromanage people’s lives, with talk of prohibiting smoking even outside along the lakefront and eliminating transfats from restaurants.

No other American city has prohibited foie gras’ sale, but California has passed a law banning it as of 2012.

The Chicago council’s vote was 37-6, according to the Chicago Tribune’s Web site.

In bringing the measure to the floor, Mayor Richard M. Daley, never a supporter of the ban, ignored pleas from the ban’s sponsor, Alderman Joe Moore, who, The Tribune said, warned his colleagues that, “Tomorrow it could happen to you.”

What “it” was wasn’t clear.


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