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Butternut squash, even if they all look the same, actually has a lot of variation in terms of flavor and sweetness. At their best they are just like a baked apple, like candy. At their worst they're like a bad mashed potato, very starchy. After working with the product for several weeks, it has not been really easy to have a consistent product. A great butternut squash puree has to be smooth and sweet, but not greasy. After some disappointment, we started thinking about how can we bring the product to its peak on a daily basis. The answer took us some time but this what we come up with.
We peel and dice the squash, then season it with olive oil and salt. It is baked at 140ºC with 30% humidity and emulsified in a blender. We also juice some butternut squash meat in the raw stage.
We also steam some butternut squash meat, then puree and freeze dry it.
Then we combine the three components together over low heat until the freeze dry butternut squash has dissolved. The mix is emulsified with butter and passed through a fine sieve
Chocolate Orange Brioche
De li cius


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